Welcome to October’s installment of Mel’s Favorite Things. ?

I’m dedicating the last post of each month to share some of my faves, from books to recipes to life hacks and beyond. Basically, if I love it (and think you might, too,) I’m gonna share it here.

This month’s topic is More Quotes I Live By.

In earlier posts this month, I’ve been sharing quotes and phrases that have profoundly impacted my life. Check out my post on decision-making here, living from abundance here, and the desire and discipline connection here.

Still, I’ve barely scratched the surface of all the quotes that have shaped my choices, decisions, and growth to this point. That’s why I decided to throw a few more of them into today’s post. There are many more beyond these (I have a Note full in my phone and other docs) but these are ‘regulars’ for my current season.

Feel free to adopt any that inspire you.


5 More of Mel’s Favorite Quotes:

  • “Simplify to amplify.” More often doesn’t mean better. Lighten the load so you’re focusing your best energy on your highest priorities.
  • “If it’s important enough to you, you’ll find a way. If not, you’ll make an excuse.” – Marie Forleo This quote always gives me a good kick in the pants when I find myself making excuses.
  • “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.” As a recovering people-pleaser, I’ve historically had a hard time saying no, especially if I couldn’t justify it with a solid reason. Adopting this mantra, along with “If it’s not a hell, yeah! it’s a no” has been a massive key in helping me to scale my life to fit my current season and capacity.
  • “Clarity is power.” Leadership author Stephen Covey put it this way: “Begin with the end in mind.” In other words, having a clear picture of what you want/where you’re going saves a TON of time, energy, and wrong turns.
  • “The moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issue from decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would come his way.” – William H. Murray The power of decision—I’ll probably write a whole post on this at some point. For now, I’ll leave it for you to ponder.

So there you have it. Five of my favorite quotes. What quotes do you live by?

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I’m cheering you on, today and always,