I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to ask you a personal question:
How well are you sleeping at night?
I’m guessing that I’m not alone when I confess that I’ve struggled to get good sleep for years. ? Whether it’s been multiple wakings in the night to tend to children, staying on my phone too late, or simply lacking a consistent bedtime routine, I’ve often struggled to get enough quality sleep.
Can you relate?
Would you like it to change?
If you’re like me and getting a good night’s rest has been ‘hit or miss’, I’d love to invite you to join my FREE 30 Day Habit Challenge.
After I heard God tell me to focus on my habits this year (I share about it in this post), I’ve felt inspired to start a Facebook group, not only for my own accountability, but to invite others on a similar journey to join me so we can enjoy the benefits of doing this ‘together.’ Personally, I know one of the greatest ways I can set my days and weeks up for success is to have healthy habits.
For the first part of 2020 I was working to implement some of these habits on my own, but with all the craziness going on in the world right now, it’s sometimes been easier said than done.
Here’s how the challenge works:
- Starting with Bedtime Routines, we’re focusing on one new habit per month. The goal is that we’d end 2020 with some key habits in place that will set us up for both short and long term health and vitality, no matter what’s going on in the world around us.
- It’s 100% free!
- The challenge will be run through a Facebook group (join here) and is designed to help us implement healthy, sustainable lifestyle changes in a fun, empowering way.
- I will be providing free templates for you to track your progress and also posting weekly motivation and inspiration in the group so that we can provide accountability and encouragement to one another.
- While I will set the overall theme for each month, you will be able to customize the particulars to accommodate your current season.
- The challenge will incorporate BOTH spiritual and practical tools to help us implement sustainable lifestyle changes. (Think marathon, not sprint.)
- There’s no obligation to complete every habit, every month. You are welcome to pick and choose as you go. ?
If you know that some of your sleep challenges are due to needing better habits in your life and you’d like to change those in the midst of a supportive, empowering community, I’d love you to join us. ?
As a society in general, I believe we are massively sleep-deprived and overstimulated. So many of our health issues stem from high stress and inadequate rest and that’s actually not okay. Productivity has become a god and is out of balance in our culture.
Therefore, this challenge isn’t about being more productive; its purpose isn’t to add another ‘to do’ to your already overwhelming task list. This challenge is inviting you take a step back—right here, right now—and consider the current quality of your life.
What’s working?
What isn’t?
When would now be a good time to take proactive steps forward?
This isn’t another ‘to do’, it’s an exercise in self love.
It’s time to drop our excuses and take the plunge because we are worth it.
I’d be thrilled if you’d join me. I’ll be over in the Facebook group here. While you’re at it, invite a friend (or three.)
As always, cheering you on, ?