Welcome to September’s installment of Mel’s Favorite Things. ?I’m dedicating the last email of each month to share some of my faves, from books to recipes to life hacks and beyond. Basically, if I love it (and think you might, too,) I’m gonna...
Can we talk about jealousy for a minute? We’ve all felt it, that gnarly feeling in the pit of our stomach when we see someone doing (or getting) something we want for ourselves.In the past, I was the queen of shutting down feelings of jealousy or envy as soon as they...
May I ask you a question? What’s the status of you dreams right now? I’m talking about the desires-of-your-heart-dreams, not the ones you have at night (although that would be a cool question as well.)As you consider your answer, let’s do a quick...
Hey there, beautiful daughter of the Most High! (Actually, read that opening again. YOU are a daughter of God!) ? Take a moment to let that sink in before you read on. Now, with that reminder of your identity fresh in your mind, I want to share...
From my heart to yours—free inspiration, encouragement, my best strategies for heart-centered living, and other goodies delivered to your inbox every two weeks. (No spam, I promise.)